Sunday, June 3, 2018

Corpus Christi

My parents had different names. They were called Michael and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. McLoughlin. Mom & Dad. Aunt Mary and Uncle Michael. Nana and Pop-Pop.
Names can tell something about ourselves.

So too – the Body of Christ has many different names –

It all began at the Last Supper – night before Jesus died.
Benedict thinks it was not the Passover – but the night before the Passover as John describes.
Jesus is the New Passover – the Passover from Death to Life.

He said: This is My Body - This is My Blood.
Power of words:
Umpire says – you are out – can argue all I want.
Police officer – under arrest – no I’m not -     power of words
Jesus: little girl, get up  -  Lazarus, come forth     This is my Body: and it becomes His Presence

Eucharist -   thanksgiving for this gift – why we try to dress appropriately, come to Mass on time, try not leave before the final blessing.

Holy Sacrifice – makes present what Jesus did on the cross  -  the ONE sacrifice – why we fast 1 hour before receiving.

Most Blessed Sacrament – Sacrament of Sacraments – why we receive properly with two clean hands (make a Throne for God) or on the tongue.

Viaticum – food for the journey – the last Communion – try not to wait for last minute so Communion can be received.

Holy Communion – unites us to Jesus – challenge to stay in Communion – not receive when I am not in Communion  -   Confession helps!

Holy Mass (Misa) -  Missio – sending forth  -   like living Tabernacles we bring Jesus to a waiting world.

Many names –
This is my Body
This is my Blood
Do this in Memory of Me!!