to me all who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest – lovely
So many burdens: responsibilities - hardships
- anxiety - Loneliness - Handicaps
Failures - Bitterness - Grief - Guilt - Illness - Old age - Worries
that we are burden to others.
Some carry burdens
and are not even noticed! A faculty member at a college had his room cleaned every
week. A woman came in and did an excellent job. They would often chat. He
learned that she had to be up at 5 each day to catch a bus to work. Then, when
she was done after a long day, she had to care for her family. He also learned that a professor was in this
same room for 14 years and never once spoke to this woman. She would say Good
morning with no response. Finally, she gave up. All it takes sometimes is just a word of
appreciation, to help make a heavy burden light. It makes a world of difference
when we treat others with dignity and respect.
Take my yoke upon
your shoulders and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart
Meek and humble of
heart – allowing others to walk over us? Not at all!
Meek – from Greek
word praus (prah-oos) a military term referring to a horse. The finest wild stallions were trained as war
horses. They were filled with spirit, courage and power, but were disciplined
top respond to the slightest nudge or pressure from the riders leg. They were “meeked” strength under control. Cooperation.
Allow God to guide us, allow God to be in control.
Two things about
-yokes are custom
made for each ox. They were carved from solid wood , form ftted so that the
yoke would not create sores. Like having on an old pair of shoes.
- allows two
animals to pull together. Work is shared!
My yoke is easy
and my burden is light
Boy was helping
dad with yard work. Dad asked him to move a few rocks. There was this one rock,
He tried and tried but he could not move it. Finally, he gave up. Dad, I can’t do it. Dad asked – did you use all your
strength? Yes, every ounce. No, you did not. You did not ask me to help. Together they moved the rock.
Come to me . . . Take my yoke . . .