Germany – in a cemetery a huge grave. It is covered with slabs of granite and
marble, held in place by steel straps.
Underneith, a woman who said she did not believe in the resurrection.
But if it happens, it will not reach her.
Over the years a seed fell, began to grow, slowly but surely moved the
granite and marble, a steel strap broke.
Tiny seed. If nature can move
stones, what about God?
Our Friend
Lazarus is asleep, but I am going to awaken him!!!
As Jesus
arrives in Bethany he experiences two emotions. First is bit of anger – Martha,
then Mary: Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. All life we try to gain control, but in the
end we are not in control. No amount of money or influence can help. One minute with us, next minute gone. And, we get angry. Some let their anger get out of control. They
allow themselves to be consumed by anger and they begin to hate – God and
everyone else. Jesus also become angry
- perturbed – snorted in spirit – a different
anger - anger at what sin and death have
done to us – not part of the original plan for us.
emotion – tears. When a Jewish person dies, they are buried that same day. Then
they sit shiva for 7 days – came to show love and respect – sadness and tears. “And Jesus wept” The shortest verse in the Bible. He wept over the city of Jerusalem and wept
over the death of Lazarus. Wept because
he loved. Compassion – suffered with his
dear friends.
I am the
Resurrection and the Life - I am - word
spoken at the burning bush. I am God of
Abraham, Issac, Jacob. First glimpse of
Resurrection. God of the living, not of the dead! Where I am – life & light – not death
& darkness.
Where have
you laid him? Genesis – Adam and Eve
sinned & tried to hide from God: where are you? How did you get so far away from me? Look what sin and death have done! Where is he???
Lazarus –
come out – not darkness, no sin, no death can keep us from God – linger no
longer in darkness and sin – no hate, bitterness, prejudice and anger –
addiction to drugs, alcohol, technology, materialism, money, pornography
come out –
still wrapped in burial bands. Untie
him & let him go free. Go free –- Sacrament of Reconciliation – be free –
Reconciliation Monday 1 seed,
one little seed, slabs are moved, steel is broken. Nature can do it how about