Dear Lord and Good Teacher,
We thank you for giving us the
opportunity to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of St. Denis – St. Columba
We give thanks for all who are present and all those
who have contributed to the life and success of our school.
We thank you for our parish priests and parishioners
for providing material and spiritual support throughout the years.
We thank you for the Archdiocese of New York for all
the support and guidance we have received.
We thank you for the Dominican Sisters of Blauvelt and
the Sisters of the Resurrection for their leadership and dedication.
We thank you for all the principals, teachers, staff
and volunteers for their amazing generosity and countless hours of service to
our school
We thank you for parents who have entrusted their
children to us.
We thank you for all our benefactors whose generous
support assists us in providing the very best for our young.
We thank you for all our current students and for our
Alumni who are now offering distinguished lives of service to their families,
communities and our country.
We thank you for the lives of those who worked, served
or attended our school and now have departed, may they rest in peace. (Pause particularly for Sean Grogan)
Almighty Lord, we ask your continued blessings on us
and we pray that students of the present and future generations may learn in
this school to know, to love, and to serve You and recognize Your Presence in
one another.
We ask the Patrons of our school, St. Denis and St.
Columba, to keep us under their special protection and we pray for the
Intercession of our Lady. Hail Mary
Together . . .
Bless us O Lord.