grace . . . How sweet the sound . . . was
blind but now I see.
1) Whose sin is this? I remember my dad.
Last 2 years of his life very difficult. He was a very devout, faithful man.
After retirement went to Mass daily. But he asked me: did I do something wrong?
No, you just got old. I told you don’t get old! Some though misfortune due to
sin. Sometimes we do cause our own problems, but many times do not. Jesus – we can bring good out of this.
2) Now Jesus, the enemy of darkness does
something unusual – spits on the ground and makes a mud paste – remember creations
story – formed out of clay of ground – mudbloods – now in Jesus, creation is
being completed.
3) Go wash in the pool of Siloam “Sent”
- symbol of Baptism – restores sight, new life!
4) He is a new person – he can see
physically – but like everyone Baptized, he is invited to see spiritually!
5) Can we see? Basketball commentator – art critic – doctor –
they see thing I cannot see. Must train ourselves to see, to see as Jesus sees! Remember phrase: seeing is believing Now: believing is seeing!
6) Step by step the man born blind sees:
a) A Man
b) A Prophet
c) A Man from God
d) Lord!!!
7) Now he can truly see. Faith is a new kind of sight - we see Christ in poor, unborn child, homeless
person, husband, wife, parents, children, co workers, different race or
8) John Newton 1748 was a Slave Trader “The
Great Blasphemer.” By the way, reading
history of our area, slaves here at same time!
Ship was in a terrible storm. Tied himself to helm of ship and made a
promise to God that if he survived, he would stop the slave trade. He survived and he did. Later wrote the word
of this song:
9) Amazing Grace . . . was blind but now I see. I see!