Sunday, December 18, 2016

St. Joseph

Do you want to sell your home?  Some people purchase a statue of St. Joseph, bury it upside down facing the home. One internet site has a 30 day money back guarantee!  Please dig him up after you sell your home and put him in a place of honor in your new home!

Joseph is so much more than selling real estate!
Stained glass window, Statue in our church and in Nativity
Chosen for Mary – Chosen by God

Man of Silence
Recorded words of St. Joseph  0
Padre Pio – What language does God speak – the language of silence
Cure of Ars would see old farmer in church – I look at Him, He looks at me.
Parents – sit is silence, spoke volumes.  
It is impossible to develop the interior life w/o silence.
Joseph – in silence – could hear God and learn how to act on God’s will.  This is the meaning of obedience – "ob audire" – to listen or to hear

Faith led him to Obedience
Mary expecting baby – journey to Bethlehem – no room in Inn, Flight to Egypt – lost in Temple
This is not what he had planned.
Don’t be afraid – I am with you!
St. Bernard – God does not give a challenge, call or duty without the grace to accomplish it.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
He did as the angel of the Lord commanded him.
He takes Mary home & takes the child as his own.
Woman tells priest – I am now a Baptist. When I became sick I told the priest and he promised to pray for me.  My Baptist neighbors cooked a meal for me and brought me to the doctor.  This is why our Ministry of Care is so important and I hope many more become involved – actions speak louder than words!

Joseph – a guardian and protector
We are also guardians and protectors.  So many of us are entrusted with the care of children – home, school , neighborhood, sports.  Task of guarding the Son of God that we meet in others.

Thank you Joseph – more than selling homes – Listen to God, Obedient to God, a Man of Action who Protected Children.   St. Joseph, pray for us!!!

(Thanks to Timothy Cardinal Dolan who inspired some of these thoughts in his book "Advent Reflections - Come Lord Jesus!)