Tuesday, December 27, 2016

New Year Schedule

Mass Schedule

Saturday, December 31
5:30 pm

Sunday, January 1
7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00

Monday, January 2
7:00 am

Office Schedule
Closed on Monday, January 2

Adoration Chapel
Closed on Monday, January 2

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Christmas 2016


4:00 p.m. in the church
4:00 p.m. in the school
6:00 p.m.

7:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
12:00 noon

Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Reconciliation Monday

Confessions will be heard at St. Columba Church on Monday, December 19 from 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. This is the final opportunity for confessions before Christmas.  Come and experience the love and mercy of God!

Funeral Mass - Catherine Kirwan

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Catherine Kirwan on Tuesday, December 20 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for her and for her family.

Funeral Mass - Francis McPhillips

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Francis McPhillips on Monday, December 19 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for him and for his family. 

St. Joseph

Do you want to sell your home?  Some people purchase a statue of St. Joseph, bury it upside down facing the home. One internet site has a 30 day money back guarantee!  Please dig him up after you sell your home and put him in a place of honor in your new home!

Joseph is so much more than selling real estate!
Stained glass window, Statue in our church and in Nativity
Chosen for Mary – Chosen by God

Man of Silence
Recorded words of St. Joseph  0
Padre Pio – What language does God speak – the language of silence
Cure of Ars would see old farmer in church – I look at Him, He looks at me.
Parents – sit is silence, spoke volumes.  
It is impossible to develop the interior life w/o silence.
Joseph – in silence – could hear God and learn how to act on God’s will.  This is the meaning of obedience – "ob audire" – to listen or to hear

Faith led him to Obedience
Mary expecting baby – journey to Bethlehem – no room in Inn, Flight to Egypt – lost in Temple
This is not what he had planned.
Don’t be afraid – I am with you!
St. Bernard – God does not give a challenge, call or duty without the grace to accomplish it.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
He did as the angel of the Lord commanded him.
He takes Mary home & takes the child as his own.
Woman tells priest – I am now a Baptist. When I became sick I told the priest and he promised to pray for me.  My Baptist neighbors cooked a meal for me and brought me to the doctor.  This is why our Ministry of Care is so important and I hope many more become involved – actions speak louder than words!

Joseph – a guardian and protector
We are also guardians and protectors.  So many of us are entrusted with the care of children – home, school , neighborhood, sports.  Task of guarding the Son of God that we meet in others.

Thank you Joseph – more than selling homes – Listen to God, Obedient to God, a Man of Action who Protected Children.   St. Joseph, pray for us!!!

(Thanks to Timothy Cardinal Dolan who inspired some of these thoughts in his book "Advent Reflections - Come Lord Jesus!) 

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Prepare the Way of the Lord!

3rd Sunday of Advent – once again meet the unusual figure of John the Baptist
Sure can’t find him in Walmart! But on the way to Bethlehem, we must cross the Jordan River.
There he says -  “Prepare the way of the Lord!”

Very involved in preparing – buy presents – send cards – decorating house – gifts for poor
Putting up the Christmas Tree.

Think about it – strange thing – cutting down a tree – bring it inside – hang stuff on it.
There is something about evergreens – they stay green in winter – sign of eternal life.
Jesus – was very connected with trees:  carpenter – manger – boat - cross

The tradition of Christmas Trees comes either from Estonia or Latvia. Placed in town square.
Martin Luther may be the first person to put one inside the house. He walking through woods – sees star light through trees – idea of candles – Thought it would like great inside! I’m sure it did not go over big with fire departments! Then came tradition to put an angel or a star on top
Angel – Glory to God                       Star – star of Bethlehem

For a long while this was a Protestant thing  -  Took a while for Catholics to embrace it -  It was St. John Paul II 1982 who brought the 1st Christmas tree to the Vatican.

Largest tree in world – Gubbio Italy  2,100 feet tall! Side of mountain
Pope Francis  lit it in 2014: He had a wish:  “If you have something dark on your soul, ask the Lord's forgiveness. This is a beautiful chance Christmas gives us – to clean up our souls, eh! Don't be afraid – the priest is merciful, he forgives everything in the name of God, because God forgives everything.”    Sounds like the Baptist! 
Reconciliation Monday – Guide in bulletin

A few years before that, Pope Benedict blessed the tree – he also had some wishes:

When you look at the tree – do not just look at the bottom - not look just to material things  -  but look up – toward heaven – toward God.  “God never forgets us but He asks us not to forget Him!” Remember the Baptist  -   he must increase – I must decreased  - I am not worthy to untie his sandals.

2) Tree is made up of many lights -  Looks strange to see just one light   His wish is that we step out of selfishness that makes us think only of ourselves  to  become lights for others  - bring light to family, work, neighborhood –“ every act of kindness is like light of the tree.”  John – a light shining in the darkness.

Let us pray - God of all creation,
we praise you for our Christmas trees
which brings beauty and memories and the
promise of life to our homes.
May your blessing be upon all who gather around our trees,
all who keep the Christmas festival by its lights.
We wait for the coming of the Christ,
the days of everlasting justice and peace.

You are our God, living and reigning, for ever and ever. Amen

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Convent Electric Update

The power to the Convent failed right before Thanksgiving. Thankfully there is a natural gas powered generator that provides heat, hot water and keeps the refrigerators going. After some time,, it has been determined that the buried underground line has to be replaced. On Monday, a 100 yard path was cleared through the woods. The new copper wire has been ordered from Georgia. This could take 5 days to arrive. When it arrives, a trench will be dug, new pipe laid and a power line attached from the pole to the building. The sisters have been amazingly patient. As soon as power is restored, we will open the Adoration Chapel. Please sign up to Flock Notes to get updates!

Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thursday, December 8 is the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be offered on Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm (we will be joined by Religious Education students) and on Thursday at 7:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (we will be joined by St. Denis - St. Columba School students) and at 7:30 p.m.

John The Baptist

Doing Christmas shopping – saw Santa, Frosty & Baby Jesus – no JB!
On the way to Bethlehem – we must cross the Jordan River.
This is where we meet that unusual figure – John the Baptist
Most consider him the last and greatest of the OT prophets.
Jesus took him very seriously “among those born of women none greater than JB”
Church celebrates 3 birthdays
-          Jesus – Dec 25           Mary – Sept 8      JB – June 24

He spent a great deal of time in desert – why? - no distractions – so he can listen to God.  Every now and then – put aside phone, turn off TV -just be with God
Here is fruit of his desert time:

1)      He learned about Humility
“I am not worthy to untie his sandals” & “he must increase and I must decrease.”
Humility – this is not putting oneself down.
Realize – in certain areas of life – things happen that I cannot control  -  I am not in control! Talk with nephew Kevin – you are praying for my Mom, right? My sister is cancer free but will be on medication for 5 years – but you are still praying, right?     I Need a Savior.   I need Eucharist  -  I need prayer  -   I need God!

2)      He learned about Repentance
I visited 2nd grade this week. Students pointed out to me: Elf on the shelf – a scout sent by Santa from the North Pole – helps Santa manage his naughty and nice list – goes to NP each night to make his report about what you were doing.
A tough one – I would not stand a chance  -  see: Baptist knows I will sin, but I also can be forgiven – Baptist: turn back to God!
Nothing like a good confession!!!  Reconciliation Monday Dec 19 from 4-8

3) He learned about Integrity
He was a person of principle & conviction – told the truth with love.
Soldiers – nonbelievers – do not practice extortion, do not accuse anyone falsely.
Tax collectors - believers but not practicing – stop collecting more than prescribed
Faithful ones – whoever has 2 cloaks should share with the person who has none. Whoever has food should do likewise. Not afraid to witness to his faith. Best way???
Walk the walk -   be the same person at church, in school, at home & work.

On our way to Bethlehem – need to stop at the Jordan River.
John will be waiting for us
To teach us about humility -  repentance  -  integrity.

To help us prepare the way for the Lord.

Death Bed Regrets

Interesting article - Aleteia/Spain

We’ve all heard the old saying that “People on their deathbeds don’t say, ‘I wish I’d spent more time at work…'” More often, people’s regrets are truly about “what I have done, and what I have failed to do.” A Spanish priest, Father Nelson, has listed the sort of regrets he has often heard while accompanying the dying, and we reprint it here from our Spanish edition, with permission.
These regrets seem all too familiar to us, and the list seems well-worth keeping before our eyes, for the good of our souls, and our hearts and minds, too! We might even use this list as an examination of conscience, or to help us to pray for the grace to live in a way that might prevent our feeling these regrets later in our lives.
  1. For the times when I set a bad example, and there were people who followed my lead
  2. For my indifference in the face of someone’s suffering
  3. For failing to say so many words of praise, recognition and encouragement to those who deserved them or needed them
  4. For claiming credit for my triumphs but blaming my failures on circumstances
  5. For having failed to respect someone’s innocence or having blocked someone’s dreams
  6. That I wasted money on things that I didn’t need and never used
  7. For the times I took too much time and not enough effort to forgive
  8. For taking advantage of someone who loved me, in order to get something for myself
  9. For not being careful to guide those I should have educated better, before it was too late
  10. For not visiting or sharing time with people because I thought they weren’t interesting, educated or useful
  11. For fleeing the cross so many times
  12. For savoring adulation even while knowing it was false
  13. For complaining much more often than I gave thanks
  14. For the stubborn, vulgar or rude words that came out of my mouth
  15. For participating in conversations making fun of God, the faith or the Church
  16. For wasting so much time on empty things… time that can’t be gotten back
  17. For the promises I didn’t keep
  18. For the times that I could have and should have prayed more, and above all, with more love
  19. The solitude of Christ in the tabernacle hurts me
  20. That I hurt or harmed someone in any way
  21. For lacking love. I should have loved God and my neighbor much more.
- See more at: http://aleteia.org/2016/12/07/21-regrets-people-confess-on-their-deathbeds/?utm_campaign=NL_en&utm_source=daily_newsletter&utm_medium=mail&utm_content=NL_en#sthash.ZqRkLFP1.dpuf