Sunday, January 17, 2016

A Wedding At Cana

During the Advent & Christmas Seasons we worked our way through the Joyful Mysteries. Now, we have moved on the Luminous Mysteries – the Mysteries of Light
Baptism in the Jordan – Wedding Feast of Cana – Proclamation of the Kingdom – Transfiguration – Last Supper.      Wedding Feast: 3 Thoughts
1)      Years ago Johnny Carson interviewed an 8 year old boy. He had rescued two friends in a coalmine in West Virginia. As Johnny questioned the boy, it became apparent to him and the audience that the young man was a Christian. So Johnny asked him if he attended Sunday school. When the boy said he did Johnny inquired, "What are you learning in Sunday school?" "Last week, our lesson was about when Jesus went to a wedding and turned water into wine." The audience roared, but Johnny tried to keep a straight face. Then he said, "And what did you learn from that story?"  "If you're going to have a wedding, make sure you invite Jesus!"
A couple came in the other day to talk about their wedding. I thanked them. They told me – we want God to be part of our marriage. We want to be married before the Blessed Sacrament. Wonderful!     Father Chris & I are here to help! Also to help couples that did not get married in church.
2) Mary said to Jesus: they have no more wine.  As if to say - look at them, they have no wine, no spirit, no joy, no hope, no vision!  Mary intercedes on their behalf. Jesus said “Why does this concern of yours involve me? My hour has not yet come.”   Yes, it is your concern.      She reminds us of a role of the saints. We do not pray to them as God. We do not worship them.   As we might go to a friend here on earth, so we have friends in heaven that we go to.   They pray for us. They offer us comfort.  They give us examples of discipleship.  They help us on the way.     “Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners.”
3) Then we hear the last word of Mary recorded in St. John’s Gospel:  Do whatever he tells you!!!  They fill the water jars – 6 of them = to the brim – 20 or 30 gallons.  And now the water has become wine.   Perhaps to prepare us for the great miracle of the Eucharist?  A great way to live our lives.  Do what he tells us… Honor your marriage vows.   Pray together. Pray for one another.  Forgive one another.  Walk together in holiness and love.   Offer up the irritations.   Pray for consolations.  Listen to God.  He will always show us the right path!!

Boy was asked – what lesson did you learn?  invite Jesus to the wedding! Invite Jesus into your life. And wonderful things can happen!!!