Sunday, April 12, 2015

Divine Mercy

Spent a couple of nights in Washington
Wanted to see cherry blossoms & special art exhibit on Mary.

Visited Ford’s Theatre – where President Lincoln was shot 150 years ago this Tuesday. First President assassinated.

What could have been? – so many wanted to punish the South – but not Lincoln.
Just 1 month before, he spoke these words at his Inauguration:
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

Today is called Divine Mercy Sunday. Began by John Paul II   15 years ago.
Our Lord had Risen from the tomb, and He met many people who had treated him badly.
The apostles and disciples had run away and left him.     Peter denied him.
The only ones at the cross were his mother, the holy women & John.
But instead of condemning them, he was merciful and kind.
Remember the good thief on the cross - Jesus, remember me . . .
Today you will be with me in paradise . . .
Or his words - Father, forgive them . ..

2000 - JP II canonized St. Faustina. She has furthered our understanding of Divine Mercy.
She wrote that  - even at the moment of death - God extends his hand in mercy
This gives so many of us great hope when our relatives and friends leave this life unprepared..
Christ calls all souls at the moment of death and offers the grace of conversion.
They are, of course free to receive it or reject it.

We see the beautiful image of Divine Mercy - really an alternate image of the Sacred Heart
Flowing from heart - rays.
Remember soldier took lance and pierced Jesus heart - out flowed blood and water.
Red = blood = Eucharist
White = water = baptism
Loving heart of Savior calls - come for forgiveness, healing & salvation

1) Ask for mercy
Whose sins you forgive and forgiven them
St. Faustina was told:
- when you approach confession. Know that I myself am waiting there for you.
- I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul
- Here the misery of the soul meets the mercy of God

2) Be merciful
Thomas let me see your hands and feet
If we are followers, lets see your hands!

3) Completely trust in Jesus!
He has broken power of death - wants us to be with him forever.
It is all about mercy!!!

If you are free, join us at 3pm for Divine Mercy Service,