Thank you
Father Joe for the opportunity to be back in the pulpit of Sacred Heart Church.
Father Jack for celebrating this Mass. You are loved by the Pelella family.
Thanks for
coming home again, Father Michael. You are one of the treasures of Sacred Heart
Parish. Thanks
Master Sgt. Mary Kay Messenger – who is usually found singing at Yankee Stadium
or with the West Point Band!
I told
Father Jack when he arrived – be careful what you say – your parishioners are
either all related or friends with everyone else. You will also find out that Highland Falls
has a number of “colorful” personalities!”
Like - I
remember asking – almost 20 years ago - who is that old guy always walking on
Main Street? Oh, you mean Louie. Your usher. The 5pm Mass began in 1970 – he
has been the usher at almost every single 5pm Mass since then. Always faithful.
Louie has
had a very interesting life – born during WWI – Woodrow Wilson was President – The
year Alexander Graham Bell made the 1st
phone call across the US.
He would
serve our country in WWII – Iceland – stopped by day after Christmas – had to
show me his latest book – Iceland – loved that place.
He thought
he would lead the single life, but you Italian guys – watch out for those
pretty Irish girls! He met Naomi – and along came Maria, Louise & Martha.
Many of us
have 1 career, Louie Had two:
West Point
Mess - cooking for over 4,000 Cadets who needed to eat in 15 minutes?!!! After 20 years he retired – then worked at Letchworth
Village for 20 more years – cooking for group homes.
proud of his family, including his son in law Brad and his 3 grandchildren –
Bradley, Brian and Benjamin. But he was also very proud of being a firefighter –
67 years. Cannot prove it, but we believe Louis was oldest active firefighter
in Orange County – and perhaps in the whole country. He was still doing fire police until the last
few years – even then, went to the firehouse to watch things while the crew was
- not: how much money – where do you live –
what color of your skin – but rather: how can I help – risking life for others! We are
grateful for your service!
past few years – great to live long, but all your buddies have passed on. Plus, the body won’t work the way you want it to – very frustrated.
Family did
great job caring for him – thank you Lorraine.
No regrets –
be proud of the care you gave him, the safe home you provided him.
Now he has another home:
"In my father’s house . . .
Rest now my
fallen brother.
Rest well
and forever.
Rest your
tired hands.
Wipe clean
your weary brow
Rest now
with St. Florian.
Your spirit
now endowed.
Rest here
your weary heart.
We know you
gave your all
Rest easy,
you’ve done your part.
You’ve answered
your last call!