The big day is almost here – decorating – cards – gifts
Everyone has their own Christmas Traditions
Each year I like to take a trip to NYC to - see the Tree - look at Windows
- visit Nativities
Practice of Nativities began 1223 - St. Francis - Grecio
He was afraid people did not understand what God has done – he had an idea,
so unusual - that he asked permission of
Pope Innocent
Cave - ox & donkey - manger - invited townspeople
As Deacon of the Mass – he read the Christmas Gospel. He became so emotional
could not say name of Jesus – he spoke of the “Babe of Bethlehem”
His idea began to spread - many different Nativities.
Even come now with GPS - in case people try to steal them!
Three particular nativities in NYC:
1) scene at Radio City - admirable – kept it with much criticism. Cannot
have Christmas without Christ. Cards –
stamps – own Nativity
2) St. Pat’s Cathedral - Moved from usual spot - but dog is still there -
name is Lexington - RIP - Msgr Ritchie’s dog – animals remind us of conditions
of birth – Great witness to crowds shopping in NYC
3) Met Museum of Art - Neopolitan - scene of people from everyday life Many do not realize - not cave or stable,
but set up among ruined Roman Columns - death of the old world. Everything
changed – HOW?
Nazareth - VERBUM CARO HIC FACTUM EST “Here Word became flesh” Mary’s Yes God takes flesh - an amazing thought.
The Word becomes flesh when we say Yes!
Favorite Nativity not in NYC – on my desk – made by hand by my dad
Faith – Hope - Love – Family – with Christ at the center
O Come let us adore him - Christ the Lord