Remember playing golf with
friends – walked up to beautiful elevated tee – par 3. One by one each took a
shot – on or close to the green. My turn -
slice - only it hit tree at perfect angle – bounced
off and rolled to about 2 feet away from the cup - was
it fair?
Many people find Jesus words
today troubling. Was it fair - that those
who came last got same pay? Obviously
Jesus wants us to think . . . Some thoughts . . .
1) Used to see workers line
up on Yonkers Ave – just hoping for work
- not lazy - they want to work - They
are totally dependent on the one who will hire them -- our
true spiritual condition before God - in
end, we are totally dependent on God –-
why we pray in the Lord’s Prayer – Give us this day our daily bread.
2) If those who came later were given less than the
daily wage, what good would that do them?? --- still could not feed their
families - and in the meantime, those
who were hired early no longer had to worry – they could take care of their
3) In some ways the action of
the owner is very comforting. Like people going on a trip – buy their ticket a
year in advance – make all the plans -
others – rush at the very last moment – also will reach the same
destination at the same time Like those
hired last: a number of times I have been with someone who converted on their
deathbed. - Thank God - God’s way are not our ways!!!!
4) Shows the danger of
envy 10th Commendment – thou
shalt not covet thy neighbors goods. - Envy
– Always comparing - my piece of cake is
not as big as yours – iphone, house, car, salary. Envy is a Sadness at the
sight of another’s goods and the desire to acquire them for oneself - called a
Capital Sin beause it can lead to other sins: to resentment, becoming angry, bitter.
Suggestion - To learn
“Discipline of Gratitude” instead of
focusing on what I do not have – remember what I do have
Hurricane Sandy - 35 trees down, electric out, cable out but,
I am alive, my family is OK real basics
But also to realize – my very
life is a gift!!!
So - What is the Reward for
the faithful worker who works all day.
A missionary was returning to
the US after 40 years service in Africa – ocean liner docked in NYC. As he got
off, noticed a huge crowd gathered to welcome home former president Teddy
Roosevelt from a safari. He became angry – Lord, I have come back home after
all these years and service to the church, and there is no one to welcome me
home. Heard a small voice – You are
Not Home Yet!