Friday, July 24, 2020

Updates From St. Columba – July 24, 2020

Father Michael reports that he had no fever last night and slept well. The medicines appear to be working. Doctors orders are rest and plenty of liquids. He thanks all for their prayers.
He is also grateful to Father Connolly for shortening his time away and coming back to serve the parish. We are sure that parishioners are equally as grateful.

Our Mass Schedule for the weekend of July 25-26 (Weather dependent)
Saturday Morning July 25 - 8:00 am outdoors
Saturday Evening July 25 – 5:30 pm in church
Sunday, July 26
8:00 am – outdoors
10:00 am – outdoors
12:000 noon – in church

Confessions Saturday 8:30 – 9:00 am & 4:00-5:00 pm - place to be determined. Look outside first!

Last week Father Michael asked Pat Moore, who coordinates our ushers and greeters, and who also is a Church Trustee, to put together a summary of where we are at right now. He sent it to Father Michael. Father Michael made a few adjustments/additions. It helps all to understand why we do what we are doing! Thanks Pat!

On June 9th we were given the authority by the Archdiocese of New York, in compliance with New York State emergency procedures, to offer public Mass.  We decided to hold most of our Masses outdoors where there is no capacity limitation.  There is a 25% capacity limitation indoors.  The popularity of our outdoor Masses is evident in the kind of attendance we have.  There are several questions that have been asked over the past six (6) weeks as to why we are doing certain things, so we thought we would take a moment to share our results, what we learned and to explain why certain things are being done the way they are.
How Many People Actually Attend Mass?
With six (6) weeks under our belt we see definite patterns.  Weekday Morning Masses (mostly outdoors) attract about 55 people.  Weekday evening Masses attract about 70 people.  Our weekend Masses are consistent with about 85 people attending the 5:30 PM (Saturday) and the Noon Sunday Masses.  Our most popular Masses are the 8:00 and 10:00, both attracting around 200 people each.  Overall St. Columba has a weekend attendance just shy of 600 people (which is roughly 30% of our normal attendance).  This attendance also appears to be larger than what most local parishes are experiencing.
How Come Some Masses are Indoors?
Its all about the weather.  If there is a threat of rain within a roughly 2-hour time when Mass will be offered, we will hold that Mass indoors. We never want to interrupt a Mass.  The other reason is heat.  We have found that temperatures above 85 degrees, in full sun, on the hot pavement (both of which make it much hotter than 85 degrees), it is safer to use the church.  Lately our 5:30 and Noon Masses have been impacted with heat concerns.
What is the Capacity of our Church?
This is an example of being surprised by reality.  Our church can seat 700 people. 25% is 175 – except it does not work out that way.  Yes, we blocked off 75% of our space but we have found that does not translated into 25% attendance.  We found space and people are like an apple and an orange – they are quite different.   Our church is somewhat pie shaped with different pew sizes, getting larger toward the rear.   We must maintain 6 feet separation between non-related folks.  Families are welcome to crowd into the same pew.  What this means is that we max out at about 85 people where families attend in great numbers and about 60 people where there are many single people attending (like weekday Masses).
What Will Happen if we Reach Capacity?
We have made provisions for an overflow Mass in the school gym.  The seats are set up with social distancing in mind.  Unfortunately, we can offer just one overflow Mass each on Saturday and Sunday.  This is due to the lack of additional priests (priests should not say more than two Masses in a day. They also often have wakes, funerals, weddings and baptisms on weekends).  Our plan is to have an overflow Mass on Saturday at 5:30 pm and at the 10 AM Sunday Mass, which is our most crowded.  Anyone who is advised that we have reached capacity when there is no overflow Mass is welcome to stand outside, listen to the Mass on the speakers and receive Communion at the end of Mass.
Why do Ushers Have to Seat People inside the Church?
Due to the limited capacity we have it is their job to put the puzzle together to make sure we are efficiently using what limited space we have.  They are also making sure that proper distancing is being maintained.
Why Can’t I Enter Church using the Side Door or Leave Using the Front Door?
We are required to use a one-way traffic flow.  We need to avoid parishioners coming into face to face contact with each other.  The side doors are locked before Mass and the main doors are either “coned off” or blocked by the ushers depending on how many ushers there are.  The ushers are required to enforce this traffic flow.  This kind of procedure is done by churches, retail stores etc. We know that is it inconvenient, but we do ask everyone’s support and cooperation as this is another way to keep us safe.
Why do we Need to Remove our Masks when Receiving Communion?
Most people receive Communion by hand, which means you need to place the host in your mouth.  If you have to remove your mask while holding the host, there is a greater likelihood of dropping it – and no one wants to see this happen.
Why are there Ushers Standing at the Front During Communion?
It is to help the priest or the Eucharistic Minister.  Distributing Communion is an important ministry and doing it without making any physical contact is difficult and it requires concentration.  The priests cannot distribute Communion and direct traffic at the same time, so we have asked our ushers to gently remind people to remove their masks before receiving and to use the proper exits.   The ushers are there to assist everyone in the safe and reverent distribution of Holy Communion.   
Why are there Ushers at Daily Mass?
Our ushers have committed to have someone at every Mass to help with anything that may come up that the priest cannot handle (remember, we do not want to interrupt Mass ever) and to help with general traffic flow.
Why are Ushers Wearing Lime Green Vests?
They are called “high viz vests”.  Ushers are in the parking lot, exposed to traffic so it is done primarily for their safety.  However, with the wide expanse of our outdoor church there is a big benefit in that the ushers are easy to find in case of an emergency (and they happen).  Our ushers also carry 2-way radios when outdoors for emergencies.  Yes, we do have emergencies during Mass.
What is the Cooler doing Near the Music Tent?
It is not refreshments for the priests or the music ministers!  This is where we keep our medical kits.  We want these items easily accessible if needed.
Why are there Cones Inside the Church?
They are there to help guide people in the proper and safest traffic pattern to the safest exit – they help in making it safe inside.  We are operating under strict safety requirements.  The cones in the Narthex are spaced about 6 feet apart so people can use them to guide their distancing while they wait for an usher to seat them.
Aren’t the Ushers Afraid of Close Contact with People?
You bet they are, so they really appreciate everyone wearing a mask. Many ushers volunteer even though they are in the vulnerable age group.  It is a ministry for them, and they have a strong desire to serve.
Why do we Need to Wear Masks Outdoors?
Great question because there is no state requirement in an outdoor environment except when one cannot keep social distance.  We can require masks on our own authority, and we choose to do so.  The Archdiocese also requested that we make this requirement.  Most of our parishioners feel safer when everyone wears a mask. Finally, we like simple and we want to have the same requirements and procedure whether we are indoors or outdoors.
I have not been to Mass Yet – is it really safe?
We cannot answer that for you, but most people feel very safe outdoors.  If you want to just try it, consider attending a weekday Mass – you can stay by your car far away from everyone.  We would love to see you again.  However, even our most crowded weekend Masses are safe – there is so much space available for everyone to be safely spaced apart, but you may find more comfort with a smaller crowd. Just check the weather or Flock notes to make sure Mass will be outdoors.  Our 8:00 AM daily Mass will be always outdoors unless it rains as heat is not an issue early in the morning.
Why no Lectors/EM’s at Mass?
We have decided to keep it simple for now. The less different people in the sanctuary, the less chance for transmission. We have limited our ministry to clergy and our deacon candidates, with our Resurrection Sisters as back-ups. All of them are trying hard to stay safe and follow good safety practices.
A Final Note
All must understand that, in the end, there are risks to attending Mass. There is just no way to make things 100% safe. That is why Mass attendance is still an option. The biggest risk continues to be that many people are asymptomatic and may be carrying the virus and spreading the virus without knowing it. Each person must decide what level of risk they are able or willing to take. For some, because of health concerns, they rarely leave the house. Others are OK with going food shopping. Others are participating in outdoor dining. As you saw this week, if clergy/minister has any symptoms consistent with the virus, they will promptly quarantine themselves and get tested, but we cannot just shut the parish down unless the virus indeed is spreading here. So please, if you have any symptoms, stay away, pray at home and we will pray for you! But if you are comfortable, we always love to see you at Mass. And together, let us pray for an end to this pandemic!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Important Message From Father Michael

Dear Parishioners,
Today I went to be tested for COVID-19. I have been feeling very tired the last three days. Yesterday afternoon I began to run a fever. I have no other symptoms, but out of an abundance of precaution, I went to be tested. I am required to self-isolate until the results come back. Please pray that the results are negative!
In the meantime, Deacon Chris will do a Communion Service tonight (Tuesday), and Father Connolly will be back for Mass on Wednesday and thereafter until the results come back.
Father Michael McLoughlin

Friday, July 17, 2020

Updates From St. Columba Church - July 17, 2020


Saturday Morning Mass 8:00 am outdoors
Saturday Confessions from 8:30 – 9:00 am & 4:00 – 5:00 pm outdoors
Funerals at 10:00 am & 12:00 noon
Baptisms at 1:30 pm & 3:00 pm
Saturday Evening Mass 5:30 pm in church
Sunday Morning Masses:
8:00 am outdoors
10:00 am outdoors
12:00 noon in church

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 19, 2020

Entrance Antiphon
Cantor:   Behold, God is my helper, and the Lord is the upholder of my soul;
Turn back all the evil against my enemies, destroy them in your fidelity,
O Lord, the Protector of my life.
Save me, O God, by your name, and render justice unto me in your strength. 
All:          Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.  Amen.

Psalm Response: Lord, you are good and forgiving.

Communion Antiphon 
The Lord, the gracious, the merciful, has made a memorial of his wonders;  He gives food to those who fear him.

Communion Hymn
Refrain: Take and Eat; Take and Eat: This is my body given up for you.  Take and drink; Take and drink: This is my blood given up for you.

Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-700703. All rights reserved.

We would like to return to the confessionals soon. Protective temporary walls have been built (no face to face confessions during the pandemic) and we are awaiting the delivery of new (coronavirus safe) confessional screens.
The last piece of the puzzle are the cameras. Due to the pandemic there was a run on cameras. Ours are due to arrive by the end of July.
We are still having trouble with the priest’s mic, so the wireless system will be used only by our musicians for now.
Father Connolly will be away July 20-24 and Father Michael will be away July 27-31.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Updates From St. Columba Parish - July 11, 2020

5:30 pm – In Church (25% seating)
8:00 am – Outdoors – bring your chair
10:00 am – Outdoors – bring your chair
12:00 noon – In Church (25% seating)
Confessions - Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 pm – in church


Entrance Antiphon
Cantor:      As for me, I will appear before you in righteousness;
                  I will be satisfied when your glory is made manifest.
                  Give heed, O Lord, to my righteousness;
                  Be attentive to my supplication.
Assembly:  Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
                  As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end.

Psalm Response: The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.

Communion Antiphon – The sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for her young: by your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, forever singing your praise.  

Communion Hymn ~ Bread of the World

 Refrain: Bread of the world, in mercy broken, Wine of the soul in mercy shed,
             By whom the words of life were spoken, and in whose death our sins are dead.
             Look on the heart by sorrow broken, Look on the tears by sinners shed;
             And be the feast to us the token That by your grace our souls are fed.

 1-7. We do not live on bread alone, but on ev-ry word that comes from God.  
1.   Let us worship the Lord, our God. God alone will save.          
2.   Let us follow the Lord, our God. God alone will lead.              
3.   Let us wait for the Lord, our God. God alone will reign.       
4.   Let us honor the Lord, our God. God alone is grace.
5.   Let us trust in the Lord, our God. God alone is love.
6.   Let us never be put to shame. God alone forgives.
7.   Let us live in the light of truth. God alone is truth.

Missions Among the Black and Indian Peoples – Please use the envelope you received at home or mark an envelope “Second Collection.”

A reminder that all donations for the Parish and for Special Collections should be placed in the baskets either before or after Mass. Thank you for your constant generosity. Thanks especially to all using WeShare or E-Giving. You are helping to keep St. Columba out of the red during these exceedingly difficult times! God bless you!

Our Virtual Vacation Bible School begins this Monday. Here is the information you need:
The CatholicBrain and Brother Francis web sites have teamed up to offer a Virtual Vacation Bible School – “The Incredible Savior.” This five-day program includes a lesson, videos, music, bible verse of the day, saint of the day and virtue of the day. Best of all, St. Columba Parish has arranged for you to receive all this material FREE for the next 15 days.
Here is how you sign up:
Church/School Name: St. Columba
Church/School Code: STC80814
parents please go to this address: or you may select "REGISTER" from the top left corner of the main page and fill out the registration form, using the Church/School Code to associate your family to our account. We suggest each student have an account, so that they can work at their own pace. If you are having trouble connecting with this program, call 469-416-4942 or email  Make sure to have our Church Name & Code available.
During this 15-day period you are welcome to use any of the materials available on the CatholicBrain web site. Enjoy – and pray that Summer Joy can return in the summer of 2021!

Thank you for your generosity. In the past, over 500 families have contributed. Of course, much has changed, and some may not be able to help this year. But if you can, please consider making a gift. Your contribution is surely needed this year.

Goal $139,000.00
Pledged $89,664.00
Gifts 385
Average Gift $230.50

Thank you! When the rest of the money is received, we will replace the windows in the school.

Goal $1,709,000.00
Pledged $1,759,871.92
Paid $1,073,072.02
Gifts 511

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Updates From Father Michael - July 4, 2020

Updates from Father Michael – July 4, 2020

Happy Fourth of July! – God bless you and have a safe weekend!

Mass Program – The 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Program is attached. Download it and save it to your device or print and bring to Mass.

New Wireless Sound System – All is working well except the priest’s mic. It keeps dropping. Bobby from Monte Bros Sound is working on it but no solution yet. We may need to replace the priest’s receiver. So, this weekend we will set up 2 wireless speakers for music ministry and use the existing church speakers for the priest/deacon/lector. Thanks for your patience.

Rice Bowls – Please return them when you come to Mass this weekend.

Baptisms – They resume this weekend. Please contact Deacon Bill to make arrangements. Baptisms take place on Saturdays and Sundays at 1:30 pm & 3:00 pm – one family at a time. Our Baptism Prep takes place by mail and online – no “in person” during the pandemic.

The Holy Oils – Cardinal Dolan consecrated the Chrism Oil and blessed the Oil of the Sick and the Oil of the Catechumens on Friday, June 26 before the Ordination Mass. Our parish has received the Blessed Oils and they have been placed in the Ambry. We offer the Anointing of the Sick after any Mass. Just see a priest. We use a cotton ball so that we do not make physical contact. The Anointing and Last Rites can also be offered at home with proper precautions (call the Church Office). We strongly encourage you, if possible, not to wait until the last minute. Sometimes we get called out in the middle of the night when the Anointing could have easily taken place during the day. Of course, a priest will visit day or night in an Emergency.

Adult Sacraments – Because of the pandemic, we could not celebrate the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil. Cardinal Dolan has given the priests of the Archdiocese permission to Confirm all RCIA candidates for Confirmation anytime in 2020. Father Connolly will celebrate these Sacraments at our regular Weekday Mass on Thursday, July 9 at 7:00 pm. Mass will be in church. Please pray for:
Patrick Rooney - Confirmation
Paul Rooney - Confirmation
James Traill - Communion and Confirmation

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Updates From Father Michael - July 1, 2020


Today is the Feast Day of St. Junipero Serra – founder of Nine Missions in California and the Spiritual Founder of Los Angeles. I had the opportunity to pray at his Tomb in Carmel, CA just a few months ago. Now, people are trying to tear down statues of this great Saint. What is going on? For a good perspective, I encourage you to read the Pastoral Note sent by Archbishop Gomez, the leader of the LA Archdiocese:

Our Parish Offices will be closed on Friday, July 3 for the civic observance of Independence Day. There will be no Adoration. The Church will close at 3:00 pm. Have a Happy 4th!

A reminder that it is best to make an appointment at the parish office and not drop in – for your safety and ours. Call ahead if you want a Mass Card. There is much we can do over the phone. Church Donation envelopes can be dropped off in the SVDP metal box in the narthex of the church or mailed.  

We always err on the side of caution when it comes to weather and outdoor Mass. If the cones are not out, Mass is in church.

We are still at 25% capacity in church. The information we sent out in the last note was in error. We are waiting permission from the ADNY to increase to 50%.

Gary Bartilucci has marked off 8 temporary handicapped parking spaces near the outdoor Mass seating area. Look for the blue lines and please allow the handicapped to use them. Thanks!

Please follow all parking regulations and do not park in the fire lanes – emergency vehicles must always have access. Just park in a parking space. Thanks!

We are almost done attaching ultraviolet lights to our church air conditioning units. Many studies show that UV light kills viruses. Thank you Butch Keane! (Butch is also Head Usher for 12:00 noon Mass).

The electrostatic sprayers have arrived! These will be used to disinfect the pews. It dries on contact and can be done very rapidly and safely.

Most of the TV equipment is here except for the cameras. The wiring is in 
place and ready to go. Mike Minor (who does TV for the Town of East Fishkill) will get everything set up for us. Thanks Mike! And thanks to Joe & Tom Mandile (Sound Telephone, Inc) for the wiring. Joe and Tom do tremendous work and keep our telephones and security cameras in good working order. They are also very active parishioners!

In order to use the confessionals in future months, we must put up temporary walls to protect the priest and penitent. We have also ordered safer confessional screens. There are other concerns as well. This is a work in progress.

All these changes were not in our parish budget. A number of parishioners have recognized this and sent special one-time gifts or have temporarily increased their donations. Thank you so much for helping us to keep our parish much safer during this time of pandemic and helping us to proclaim the Gospel using different means. God bless your generosity!

A reminder that Father Michael will be away July 6-10.

All current information about our parish can be found at Be sure to check there first!