Sunday, January 26, 2020

Funeral Mass - Viola Fitzgerald

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Viola Fitzgerald on Saturday, February 8 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for her and for her family.

Funeral Mass - Maria Marquez

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Maria Marquez on Wednesday, January 29 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for her and for her family.

Sunday of the Word of God

Land of Zebulun – Land of Naphtali – the people who sit in darkness have seen a great light! What is Isaiah talking about? And why does Matthew quote him?
Centuries before Jesus a man named Jacob or Israel had 12 sons – they became the 12 tribes of Israel. When Moses led the tribes of Israel back from Egypt to the land of Canaan – each tribe was assigned a territory. Up in the north, around the Sea of Galilee lived the tribes of Zebulun & Naphtali.
The children of Israel often went through terrible times. First in the 9th century BC, the North was attacked – 10 tribes. Many were carried off into exile.   Then in 6th Century BC – South was attacked – last 2 tribes – and they were carried off into exile.
From that point on – Israel was occupied. But many would not give up hope – God would rescue them – dwell among them again.    Isaiah – where there is darkness, a light will shine.
Now comes Jesus to the land of Zebulun, land of Naphtali – light has come.   And what does he do?   Calls disciples to follow him. In time he would choose 12 apostles – why – the gathering of the 12 tribes of Israel – God has returned – do not give up hope.
All this comes to us from the Bible. Pope Francis has asked us to celebrate the Bible this weekend as a gift to all of us. 
How does one read the Bible?
1)     Like Matthew - Inspirational quotes   - The Lord is my Shepheard, nothing shall I want – even though I walk in the dark valley, I fear no evil.
2)     Many read the stories – Noah, Moses, David, Mary & Joseph – yesterday story of Paul – Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me???
3)     A place to seek direction and guidance – especially the teachings of Jesus. Beatitudes – to love enemies, to care for the poor (when I was hungry you gave me food.
Let the Word of God be written upon our hearts. May we live out these words – become the Living Gospel.
Our Jewish brothers and sisters still suffer. Tomorrow marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz death camp – almost 1 million Jews died there. And, we see a rise of anti-Semitic attacks even in the NY metro area.  As Jesus was the light, so must WE bring light where there is darkness.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Funeral Mass - Josephine Bartilucci

We sadly announce the death of Josephine Bartilucci, the mother of our Parish Manager, Gary. The Funeral Mass will be on Tuesday, January 21 at 10:00 a.m. at St. Vito's Church, Mamaroneck. Please pray for her and for her family.

Wayfaring Stranger

Pastor in rural Georgia was visiting a hospital.
A parishioner had just given birth to a child.
He found the young father looking through the glass at his baby.
Baby was making all sorts of racket.
It’s OK – it cleans out her lungs, gets her voice going.
Oh, she’s mad as . . .  saw collar . . . sorry father.
OK – but why is she mad?
Wouldn’t you be mad – one minute you are with God in heaven and the next minute you are in Georgia.
You believe she was with God before she came here?    Yes Father.
Will she remember?
Well, that’s up to her mother and me.  And the church. We’ve got to see she remembers, because if she forgets, she is a goner.

Remarkable understanding of the human person. We come from God and one day we will return to God.

Recently saw movie 1917 – unusual movie making – seems to be one continuous shot. You feel like you are there – experiencing what is happening with the two characters.

But to be inserted into WWI – terrible, awful. One of the worst wars of all: trenches, disease, rats, hopelessness of it all on top of mass killings.

Worst of all, almost all involved were baptized: English, French, Canadian, American, Russian, German and Austrians. The scale was inhuman: 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam – that was a weekend in WWI – estimated 40 million casualties – up to 20 million dead soldiers & civilians.

Human being descended to the level of animals – in the heart of Christian Europe – all supposedly taught about Jesus Christ – and what it means to be a human being.

It is clear that something terrible happened in WWI – teachings of Christ meant so little to so many – led to the moral collapse of society – which continues in our time.

Friday 44 Buses from ADNY, including St. Columba – will travel to DC for the March for Life – largest annual human rights march in the world.
Seems shocking that we must have a March for Life – isn’t it obvious that life is sacred? Human life is to be treasured – it is not a mistake, not a burden?

A purpose – a meaning – a reason to live – and hope at the end:

Toward end of movie – beautiful American spiritual - Wayfaring Stranger

I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger
Traveling through this world below
There is no sickness, no toil, nor danger
In that bright land to which I go
I'm going there to see my Father
And all my loved ones who've gone on
I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home
I know dark clouds will gather 'round me
I know my way is hard and steep
But beauteous fields arise before me
Where God's redeemed, their vigils keep
I'm going there to see my Mother
She said she'd meet me when I come
So, I'm just going over Jordan
I'm just going over home

Monday, January 13, 2020

Funeral Mass - Paula Minara

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Paula Minara on Wednesday, January 15 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for her and for her family.

Baptism of the Lord

Last weekend was a “once in a lifetime” moment for our parish. Not only did we welcome Bishop Colacicco home, but we also blessed our ambo, our baptismal font and our altar
-          The ambo is clearly seen as a place set apart to read and reflect upon God’s word. Jesus continues to speak to us and teach us His truth, His way of holiness.
-          The baptismal font will welcome 100’s and 1,000’s of children into our faith, sharing in the life of Christ and the Church.
-          Altar has been set apart for divine worship – the meeting point between heaven and earth – where God becomes one of us that we might become like God.
As we worked our way through the ritual of consecration, I noticed how similar it was to the Rite of Baptism:
1)     The Altar was sprinkled with Holy Water – immersed in the death and resurrection of Jesus as we are.
2)     The Litany of the Saints was sung, and the Relics were placed in our Altar – Denis – Columba – Dominic – Anthony – Therese – John Neumann -    We are part of something much bigger than ourselves - the family of the church down through the ages.  Inspired by the example of many good and holy men and women we have met on the way.
3)     Prayer of Dedication – Altar set apart just as we are set apart – set apart for God.  What is our purpose?  To know, love and serve God in this life and so to be happy with him forever in the next.
4)     Anointed with Chrism – 5 crosses and then whole altar. We were signed with a cross at baptism – marked as his followers.
5)     Altar receives a garment – we are clothed with a white garment – outward sign of our Christian dignity. We belong to God.
6)     Lighting of the candles – in a world filled with darkness, Jesus is the Light of world – and we are called to bring that light.
It is so important to remember these things – yes, Baptism was a past event – but reminds us who we are. There is an emptiness in the heart of so many Americans. Among some, mortality rates are rising – not from heart disease or diabetes – but from the taking of one’s life, and from substance abuse and overdoses. There is a growing disconnect from God and faith.
There is a purpose, there is meaning, and we come together at this altar every week to strengthen our selves and one another in that belief.