Sunday, December 29, 2019

Mary, Mother of God

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Holy Day of Obligation

Tuesday, December 31
5:30 pm

Wednesday, January 1
8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 noon

A Hidden Life

This year marked the 75th anniversary of D-Day – the Liberation of Europe. The FDR Library in Hyde Park has a special exhibit examining D-Day – and the relationship between President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.
The question was – What to do about Hitler and the Nazi’s? Leaders before Churchill tried to negotiate with him. Churchill famously said you don’t negotiate with the tiger when your head is in his mouth! Churchill understood exactly right the threat of Hitler and that Britain and the free world had to be defended at all costs. His challenge was to convince FDR and the Americans of the threat.
But what about those who lived under Hitler’s rule? That’s the subject of Terrence Malik’s new film – A Hidden Life. Based on a true story, Franz Jagenstatter and his wife Fanny live in Austria in the Alps. War has come, and Franz serves in the army until France is defeated. Farmers are sent home until needed again. But now he learns that all soldiers must swear an oath of allegiance to Hitler. Everyone in the village is prepared to do so, but not Franz. He cannot, in conscience, swear an oath to a man who is an invader of countries, who destroys life.
The film shows how this decision affects Franz, his village and his family. He most certainly will die if he does not change his decision. His sacrifice will change nothing. The war will go on. No one will follow his example. His family will be without him.
And yet, he cannot change his decision. He is a man of deep faith. He knows the truth. He must follow his conscience. Equally heroic is his wife. She stands by her husband while knowing the cost to her. She too understands that the hidden life, the moral life of a person, the inner integrity of a person, the sacredness of free will, is everything.
It is a very disturbing film. After 3 hours, no one moved at the end. It really made you think – about how Franz – a man who has been declared Blessed by the Catholic Church - stood for the truth at great cost. And what about me?
The church is in great need of cleansing and renewal, and it must begin with me. Corners cannot be cut. Life must be lived authentically. No one else may know – but God knows, and I know. I must strive to be the priest God has called me to be.
The same is true with our families. We need to become the best dads and best moms, the best husbands and the best wives possible. To love our spouses completely and totally. To be faithful to the teachings of Jesus. To live the hidden life in the light of God’s truth. St. Joseph knew what must be done. He had to protect his family at all costs. And he did so with great personal sacrifice. Mary and Joseph always asked – what does God want of us? And they tried to do it – no compromise – just the Truth.
Franz is told if he just changes his mind and swears loyalty to Hitler, he will be set free. He replies, “But I am free.” As George Eliot wrote – “The growing good of the world is partly dependent on unhistoric acts, and that things are not so ill with you and me as they might have been, is half owing to the number of people who lived faithfully a hidden life, and rest in unvisited tombs.”  Have faith – we will make a difference!

Funeral Mass - Frances Gurski

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Frances Gurski on Saturday, January 4 at 10:00 am. Please pray for her and for her family.

Funeral Mass - Loretta Menchen

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Loretta Menchen on Monday, December 30 at 11:15 am. Please pray for her and for her family.

Funeral Mass - Thomas Albanese

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Thomas Albanese on Monday, December 30 at 10:00 am. Please pray for him and for his family.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Christmas 2019

Morning Advent Mass
8:00 am

Christmas Eve Mass
4:00 pm in
church and school
6:00 pm & Midnight

Christmas Day Mass
8:00 am – 10:00 am
12:00 noon

St. Stephen Day Mass
8:00 am

St. Joseph

St. Joseph is known for many things – my favorite is “The Terror of Demons.” But I have no idea how he became a seller of houses. Kits are available n line for $10.00. Thankfully I saw one with a burial cloth – because the custom is bury him upside down facing the home. This kit further instructs – when you sell the home, dig Joseph up and put him in a place off honor in your new home.
St. Joseph has a prominent place in our church – statue – beautiful stained glass window – because the Pastor was Msgr. Joseph Meehan – or – his Parochial Vicar – Father Colacicco – is a great fan of St. Joseph? There is much we can learn from the window.
Nativity – Joseph holding a lantern. Peaceful and serene – anything but. Joseph was betrothed to Mary – not like our engagement – they were legally promised to each other. Mary is greeted by the angel and told that she would bear a Son by the Holy Spirit. As if to give her strength: a sign – her cousin Elizabeth was also expecting.
Mary stayed there 3 months until John was born. When she came home, Joseph could immediately see that something was wrong. It was a disaster. What should he do? An angel appeared in a dream – Do Not Be Afraid. Take her home as your wife. This Child is by the Holy Spirit.   We learn of Joseph’s obedience. He always wanted to do God’s will. A just man – in right relation with God.
Joseph in his workshop with Jesus. Time with his Son. A chance to teach Him. A time for Him to learn more about life and His faith. Jesus teaching have been passed down from generation to generations. He has had the most profound affect on cultures and societies. His teachings are the basis for many of our laws. Where did he get much of this from? His mother and his father. Probably the most came through their example. We cannot underestimate the role of parents in the lives of children.
 if a father does not go to church-no matter how faithful his wife’s devotions-only one child in 50 will become a regular worshipper. If a father does go regularly, regardless of the practice of the mother, between two-thirds and three-quarters of their children will become churchgoers (regular and irregular). One of the reasons suggested for this distinction is that children tend to take their cues about domestic life from Mom while their conceptions of the world outside come from Dad. If Dad takes faith in God seriously then the message to their children is that God should be taken seriously.
Unusual piece of art – death of Joseph. Patron of a peaceful death. He surrounded by his family. He has lived a faithful life – always trying to do God’s will. He is not afraid. He knows where he is going.
Arms around a church – St. Peter’s in Rome – Patron of the universal church. Joseph was the earthly father to Jesus and the husband of Mary – and he still is! He is a father to all of us – God’s Sons & Daughters.  He is a Guardian & Protector – so many entrusted with care of children – home, school, neighborhood and sports. May we care for them as Joseph cared for Mary & Jesus.
So, more than a seller of homes!!!  St. Joseph, pray for us!

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Reconciliation Monday

All Churches here in the Archdiocese of New York will be open for Confessions on Monday, December 16 from 4:00 - 8:00 pm. This is a great way to prepare for Christmas!


Baptist – prepare the way of the Lord.
Season – decorating, putting up trees and lights, buying gifts and sending cards
Focus today – Beautiful tradition of Preparing the Nativity.
Origin, of course – Bethlehem. Mary gave birth and placed her son in a manger – place where animals feed – hay was the first  bed of the One who would become food for us – Bethlehem – house of Bread
Idea of a Christmas Creche or Nativity – goes back to St. Francis – Greccio, Italy – 1223
Fifteen days before Christmas, Francis asked a local man named John to help bring to life how Jesus was born.
When Francis arrived on December 25, he found a manger full of hay, an ox and a donkey. Mass was celebrated, and, as a Deacon, Francis read the story of the first Christmas. All could see, hear and smell what it was like!   Here was God, God takes flesh, as a Baby!  How much God loves us to become one of us!
When we set up a Nativity in our homes or in our yards, we relive what happened in Bethlehem. It becomes part of us!
Some elements:
Stable or cave – simple, poor, comes for all of us
Background of starry sky – all seems dark , but God is with us!
Sometimes in midst of ruins of buildings – new life in a fallen world.
Shepherds – the first to see – the humble and the poor.  SEE
Mary – the one who always said YES to God. We bring Jesus when we say yes!
Joseph – with a staff or holding a lamp. Guardian and protector of family.
Three Kings – followed a star to bring Jesus gifts - Faith is a journey – kept their eyes on the star!
Christmas – we place Baby Jesus there – it all comes alive – God becomes a child – hold him. – there is joy and wonder.  God acts like we do – sleeps, takes milk from his mother, cries and plays.   Our life is part of God’s life.
For  adults – when we stand by the Nativity, we are reminded when we were children – had a beautiful child-like faith. This is what we want to pass on to children and grandchildren.
Nativity takes many forms – but it always teaches us of the love of God, who became a child to show how close He is to each one of us!

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Funeral Mass - Anna Consalvo

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Anna Consalvo on Monday, December 9 at 10:00 am. Please pray for Anna and for her family.

John the Baptist

I waited – and waited – watching the tree lighting ceremony at Rockefeller Center. Finally, after about 1 hour and 10 minutes – a Christmas Carol – the First Noel – two verses - born is the King of Israel.  But still, no mention of the name. I would wait in vain – entertainers sold their Christmas albums – a network drew attention to their TV shows – a tree was lit – but no mention of his name. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus – yet the name of Jesus was not said – not even once.

So, imagine now talking about John the Baptist? What does he have to do with Christmas? On the way to Bethlehem – we must cross the Jordan River.
This is where we meet him – the Baptist.
Most consider him the last and greatest of the OT prophets.
Jesus took him very seriously “among those born of women none greater than JB”

He spent a great deal of time in desert – why? - no distractions – so he can listen to God.  Every now and then – put aside phone, turn off TV -just be with God
Here is fruit of his desert time:

1)    He learned about Humility
“I am not worthy to untie his sandals” & “he must increase, and I must decrease.”
Humility – this is not putting oneself down. It is putting God first. It is about having our priorities in order!
I Need a Savior.   I need Eucharist - I need prayer -   I need God!

2)    He learned about Repentance
The Christmas celebrated at Rockefeller Center was all about externals – and we can easily celebrate Christmas that way – decorate, put up trees, sing songs, send cards, go to parties, get gifts. But the Baptist knew it was about preparing a place Inside – in our hearts – a place where the Savior can be born. So, he said – turn to God. Not easy – but we can be forgiven!!!
Nothing like a good confession!!!  Reconciliation Monday Dec 16 from 4-8

3) He learned about Integrity
He was a person of principle & conviction – told the truth with love.
Soldiers – nonbelievers – do not practice extortion, do not accuse anyone falsely.
Tax collectors - believers but not practicing – stop collecting more than prescribed
Faithful ones – whoever has 2 cloaks should share with the person who has none. Whoever has food should do likewise. Not afraid to witness to his faith. Best way???
Walk the walk -   be the same person at church, in school, at home & work.

On our way to Bethlehem – need to stop at the Jordan River.
John will be waiting for us
To teach us about humility - repentance - integrity.
To help us prepare the way for the Lord.

Monday, December 2, 2019


Time moves quickly! Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now the focus is on Christmas; shopping, decorating, sending cards, parties.
It is all good – but the church also urges us to prepare our souls, our hearts for Christmas – after all – Christmas means Mass of Christ, and Jesus is the reason for the season!
That’s why the church insists upon the season of Advent – Latin word – Adventus – Coming – the coming of Christ.
Most believe that he did come – in history – in Bethlehem – born of Mary. But what makes Bethlehem so important is what happened in Jerusalem.
Most again agree that he was put to death by Pontius Pilate - but then what? The Bible records 11 different appearances by the Risen Christ – once to 500 people. They began to realize that what happened in Bethlehem was no ordinary birth – but the coming of the Son of God.  The Word became flesh – God became one of us – which changes everything!
If he is Risen, he is still with us. So, we believe that Jesus comes to us even today, in Mystery.
1)    When the Bible is read, we say: The Word of the Lord or The Gospel of the Lord. God is still speaking to us – why the Bible is read to us every time we gather!
2)    When Sacraments are celebrated – Jesus is at work: Baptism – new life, Reconciliation – forgiveness, Confirmation – sending Spirit, Anointing – healing. Center is the Eucharist – Bread and Wine become his very Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity.
3)    When two or three gathers in his name
4)    In the poor – whatever you did, you did for me.
He will come again in glory -in Majesty – when – we do not know – we wait in joyful expectation – so we get ready.
Many paintings with Saints show a skull – the idea is – remember that life is short – live in the light of God. We call this “sub specie aeternitatis” View everything under the aspect of eternity – is this action going to get me into heaven or increase darkness in my life or the life of others. How will this appear on the day of judgment?  Very good to go to confession every now and then – to keep sin in check.
So – 3 comings – History – Mystery – Majesty. Advent keeps us focused on the true meaning of Christmas – to prepare the way of the Lord!