Monday, July 27, 2015

Pilgrimage To Italy - July 30 - August 8

On Thursday, July 30, I will lead a group of 22 parishioners and friends from other parishes on a Pilgrimage to Italy. Our time in Italy will include Mass at San Giovanni Rotundo (St. Padre Pio), at the Tomb of St. Peter, at the Tomb of St. Paul, and in the Catacombs of St. Callixtus. A highlight will be an Audience with Pope Francis. Please pray for us and know that we will carry your intentions in our hearts and offer them to God at the Altar each day.

Wedding = James Chappas and Nicole Oliva

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony will be received by James Chappas and Nicole Oliva on Friday, August 7 at 3:00 p.m. Please pray for this couple about to be married.

Wedding - Greg Brown and Annette McCormick

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony will be received by Greg Brown and Annette McCormick on Sunday, August 2 at 3:00 p.m. Please pray for this couple about to be married.

Funeral Mass - John J. Cleary

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of John J. Cleary on Thursday, July 30 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for him and for his family.

Signs of Civilization

Back in 2006, a number of teams were climbing Mount Everest. It cost months of preparation and thousands of dollars. A man named David Sharp could go no further. Incapacitated, he was left on the side of the path. Over 40 climbers did not stop to help. It resulted in his death. A few days later, a 50 year old climber, Lincoln Hall, was left for dead by his team and passed by many other climbers. But Dan Mazur’s team stopped. They brought him down – which cost them their chance to climb Mt Everest. They saw someone in need, and did not pass by

This is something we tried to teach our teens and young adults on our Midnight Run. Last Wednesday, we visited with our homeless friends. Usually people walk right past them. Last Wednesday, we did not. Your gifts of food, clothing and toiletries were gratefully received.  You would have been very proud of our teens and young adults. They treated our homeless brother and sisters with compassion.

Margaret Meade – Anthropologist – was asked – what is the first sign of civilization? Is it a clay pot, a fishing hook or a grinding stone – “a healed femur (thigh bone)”    It means that someone cared. It means that someone who was injured was taken care of, was allowed to heal.

I wonder what she would say about the actions of Planned Parenthood?  Is this a mark of civilization? – is this how we should care for our most vulnerable ones - our innocent babies? By the distribution of their body parts for money?

The multiplication of loaves and fish is remarkable on many levels:
-         It is the only miracle found in all four gospels.
-         It is a sign of the Lord’s love (Mt 25 when I was hungry, you gave me food)
-         It shows what can be done if someone shares – boy with 5 loaves & 2 fish is generous. The Lord can take it and multiply it.
-         It teaches us about the power of Jesus – the Son of God who can create and bring new life.
-         It points to what we are doing today – all around the world the Bread is being multiplied and Jesus continues to feed his people in the Eucharist – so that we might live forever. 

Jesus fed his people spiritually and physically. Might the same be said of us!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Wedding - Christopher Hernandez and Natalie Derario

The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony will be received by Christopher Hernandez and Natalie Derario on Saturday, July 25 at 3:00 p.m. Please pray for this couple about to be married!

Come Away, Be Renewed, Sharpen Your Ax!

A missionary had a long trip to his mission station in Africa.. He needed help carrying supplies. So he hired a number of men to assist him. After three days the men stopped and refused to go further.
We are waiting for our spirits to catch up!

Jesus said Come with me to an out of the way place to rest a little. Let your spirit catch up.

-          this does not always work. Interruptions.
Monk at prayer – had prayed all his life for a vision. And this day, Jesus appeared to him. But at that moment, the bell rang. It was his job to care for the poor who cvame to the monastery for help. What should he do? He had been waiting his whole life for this.
Got up and attended to his duties – came back, the vision was still there – the Lord told him, I would have left if you did not attend to those in need.
Interruption are opportunities.

But still need to try to get away a bit.
A balance needed   St. Benedict   ora et labora      prayer & work
3rd commandment – keep holy the Lord’s day
the Sabbath rest – not just going on vacation, but a time to reconnect to inner self and to God.
So busy – find ways to make it work.

- early morning    Office  Psalms    Scripture
-          daily Mass for some
-          car    -  ipod invaluable
-          doctor’s office with dad
-          brief visits to church
-          walk & pray rosary   review life & who needs prayers
-          end of day examination

 Wood chopping contest

One fellow worked all day except for lunch break.
Other fellow took breaks   -   at end of day, he had more cut wood – how?
During the breaks, I sharpened my ax.

So, come away bit by bit, sharpen ax, be renewed!

Friday, July 17, 2015

Funeral Mass - Siranosh Brikha

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Siranosh Brikha on Monday, July 20 at 10:30 a.m. Please pray for her and for her family.

Wedding - Scott Kimball & Angela Calvano

The Sacred Bonds of Holy Matrimony will be exchanged by Scott Kimball and Angela Calvano on Saturday, July 18 at 3:00 p.m. Please pray for this couple!