Thursday, March 21, 2013

Holy Week 2013


Saturday Vigil - 5:00 p.m.
Sunday – 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.

Reconciliation Monday, March 25 – 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
No Confessions on Holy Saturday

Chrism Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral 4:00 p.m.
no tickets needed - all welcome!

Office of Readings and Morning Prayer – 8:30 a.m.
Mass of the Lord’s Supper – 7:30 p.m.
Adoration until Midnight in the Atrium

GOOD FRIDAY – March 29
Day of Fasting and Abstinence From Meat
Office of Readings and Morning Prayer – 8:30 a.m.
Children’s Service of the Passion – 12:00 noon
Solemn Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion – 3:00 p.m.
Stations of the Cross – 7:30 p.m.

Office of Readings and Morning Prayer – 8:30 a.m.
Blessing of Easter Food – 12:00 noon
The Easter Vigil – 7:30 p.m.
(No 5:00 p.m. Mass)

7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. and 12:15 p.m.
Additional 10:30 a.m. Mass in school gym

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Funeral Mass - Christina R. Ginley

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Christina Ginley (aged 18) on Wednesday, March 20 at 10:00 a.m. Please pray for her and for her family.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Confirmation Weekend

We welcome Bishop Dominick Lagonegro, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York and Episcopal Vicar of Orange County, to St. Stephen's Parish. He will offer the Sacrament of Confirmation to our young people on Friday, March 15 at 5:30 p.m. and on Saturday, March 16 at 10:30 a.m. and at 2:00 p.m. Please pray for our Confirmandi and their Sponsors.

Habemus Papem!

On March 13 at 8:24pm, the Holy Father Francis, preceded by the Cross, appeared at the Loggia of the brightly lit Vatican Basilica. Before imparting the “Urbi et Orbi” (“to the city and the world) apostolic blessing he greeted the enormous crowd that had been gathering all afternoon in cold and rainy St. Peter's Square saying:

“Dear brothers and sisters,

Good evening. You know that the duty of the Conclave was to give Rome a bishop. It seems that my brother cardinals picked him from almost the ends of the earth. But here we are! I thank you for the warm welcome. The diocesan community of Rome has its bishop. Thank you! First and foremost I would like to say a prayer for our Bishop Emeritus Benedict XVI. Let us pray together for him, that the Lord bless him and the Virgin keep him.”

After leading the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Gloria, Pope Francis again addressed the crowd saying:

“And now let us begin this journey, bishop and people, this journey of the Church of Rome, which is the one that leads all the churches in charity. A journey of fraternity, of trust between us. Let us always pray for one another. Let us pray for the world so that this might be a great brotherhood. I hope that this journey of the Church that we begin today, and in which my Cardinal Vicar here present will assist me, will be fruitful for the evangelization of this beautiful city.”

“Now I would like to impart the blessing, but first, first I ask a favor of you. Before the bishop blesses the people, I ask that you pray to the Lord that He bless me: the prayer of the people asking a blessing for their bishop. Let us pray in silence, this your prayer for me.”

“Now I will impart the blessing to you and all the world, to all men and women of good will.”

After imparting the apostolic blessing Pope Francis added: “Brothers and sisters, I take my leave. Thank you for your warm welcome. Tomorrow I'm going to pray to the Virgin, that she will safeguard all of Rome. Good night and rest well.”

Your Pastor's Health

On March 12 I visited an electrophysiologist at NYU Langone regarding my atrial fibulation. He counseled me to have an ablation, and I am scheduled for this procedure on April 24. In the meantime, we are using medicine to control the heart rate. Thank you for your continued prayers. I will keep you posted! 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Prayer For A New Pope

The Cardinal Electors have announced that the Conclave to choose a new Pope for the Church will begin on Tuesday, March 12.

"O God, eternal shepherd, who govern your flock with unfailing care, grant in your boundless love a pastor for your Church who will please you by his holiness and to us show watchful care. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen."

Cardinal Dolan has suggested that we offer a Novena to St. Joseph, beginning on March 11 and concluding on the Feast of St. Joseph - March 19.

Novena prayer to Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph, you are the faithful protector and intercessor of all who love and venerate you. I have special confidence in you. You are powerful with God and will never abandon your faithful servants. I humbly invoke you and commend myself, with all who are dear to me, to your intercession. By the love you have for Jesus and Mary, do not abandon me during life, and assist me at the hour of my death.

Glorious Saint Joseph, spouse of the immaculate Virgin, Foster-father of Jesus Christ, obtain for me a pure, humble, and charitable mind, and perfect resignation to the Divine Will. Be my guide, my father, and my model through life that I may merit to die as you did in the arms of Jesus and Mary.

Loving Saint Joseph, faithful follower of Jesus Christ, I raise my heart to you to implore your powerful intercession in obtaining from the Heart of Jesus all the graces necessary for my spiritual and temporal welfare, particularly the grace of a happy death, and the special grace I now implore: (Mention your request). Guardian of the Word Incarnate, I am confident that your prayers on my behalf will be graciously heard before the throne of God.

Funeral Mass - Frank P. DiPietro

A Mass of Christian Burial will be offered for the repose of the soul of Frank P. DiPietro on Thursday, March 14 at 10 a.m. Please pray for Frank and for his family.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

HHS Mandate Update - You Can Help!

Call To Action

February 28, 2013

Dear Friend,

This memo is a follow-up to the action request sent to you on February 15. There is still time to respond!
The issue, you will recall, concerns the Obama Administration’s mandate requiring health coverage to include objectionable practices.

Congress may consider “must-pass” appropriations legislation such as a Continuing Resolution as early as the week of March 4. Needed conscience protection provisions should be made a part of this legislation. Please click on the link below and urge Congress to take action to protect conscience rights and religious liberty! In addition to your Representative and two Senators, a message will be sent to House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH).

Here is some background on the HHS mandate.

Under the new health care law, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) requires most health plans to cover “preventive services for women,” including services that many citizens find objectionable for moral and religious reasons. These objectionable services include sterilization, FDA-approved birth control (such as the IUD, Depo-Provera, ‘morning-after’ pills, and the abortion-inducing drug Ella), and “education and counseling” to promote these to all “women of reproductive capacity,” including minor girls.

The HHS mandate allows only a very narrow exemption for a “religious employer.” On February 1, HHS released a new “proposed rule” that goes into greater detail on the “accommodation” but continues to allow only a very narrow exemption, chiefly aimed at what it calls “houses of worship.” Other religious organizations offering education, health care and charitable services to all in need do not qualify for the exemption. There is no exemption or delay for individuals, or for businesses owned and operated by individuals with moral or religious objections.

Thanks for all you do in support of life!

Michael Taylor

Executive Director

Click the link below to log in and send your message:

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Father Flor Update

We recently received a letter from Father Flor McCarthy, a Salesian Priest from Dublin, Ireland. Father Flor has come to our parish each summer for over 30 years. Last December, Father had hip replacement surgery. There were a few complications, but over all, he came through it well. However, at this point he still cannot drive and is using a crutch. In light of his physical challenges, Father Flor has decided it would not be wise to travel to America this summer. We completely understand, although we will miss him. He does not count out the possibility of summer 2014. We promise to keep him in our prayers!
In light of this, we have already begun to search for a priest to come to our parish this summer so that your parish priests can take some vacation time. For example, we have contacted our friend Father Stephen Fernandes, a seminary professor in Mumbai, India, who will try to locate a student priest studying in Rome. Please pray that we will be successful.