Friday, April 2, 2010

The Crown, Pastoral Letter

Dear Parishioners,
During Lent we open our hearts to the call of Christ. The events of Holy Week and Easter remind us that the victory of Jesus can be ours if our lives find their model in Him.We invite you to live again the great mysteries of our faith by attending services and receiving the sacraments during Holy Week and Easter time. We are blessed when you are present. Please plan on coming - and bring a friend.We all pray that the blessings and grace of this Holy Season be with you and your loved ones. Happy  Easter!
Devotedly yours in the Risen Christ,

The Priests, Deacons and Staff of St. Stephens Parish

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Father Michael

Funeral Mass

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Alfredo J. Arno.
A Funeral Mass will be offered for him on Monday, March 8 at 10:00 a.m.

Parish Mission Announced!

A Redemptorist Mission will take place at St. Stephen's On November 7-10.
We will be delighted to welcome Father Paul Bryan and Sister Mary Sninsky.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Father Michael

Parish Schedule for Friday, March 5

10:00 a.m. Funeral Mass for Kathleen P. Smith.
Please pray for her husband Herman and children Cheryl, Larry and Cindy.
Wake Thursday 2-4 & 7-9 at Lazear-Smith and Vander Plaat

6:00-9:00 p.m. - Confessions
Twenty Five Churches in Orange County will be open for Confession. See our bulletin for details.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Dear Parishioners, On the first Easter Sunday morning the disciples of Jesus journeyed from grief, despair and confusion, to faith, hope and an inexpressible joy. It is a journey we often make in our own lives.We invite you to make this journey with us this Holy Week and Easter. May our participation in Holy Week and Easter services enrich our understanding of the great truth of God's inexhaustible love for us and bring us profound peace and joy. We hope that you can join us in our Holy Week services and receive the Sacrament of God's mercy. Please try to be with us-and bring a friend. All are welcome! We are blessed when you are with us.To all our parishioners, friends and families, may you experience the joy and blessing of the Easter season.

Devotedly yours in the Risen Christ, The Priests, Deacons, and Staff of St. Stephen's Parish