Sunday, February 22, 2015

Repent and Believe In The Gospel!

Father Chris & I were driving back from St. Denis
We were helping with First Penance
He looked over – isn’t that a sad sight – a golf course covered with snow! – you are making me so sad – at this rate it will melt by May!

Crazy to see golfers on TV – shirt sleeves – not fair.
One who is missing is Tiger Woods – his game is a mess!
He has not won a major in over 5 years ago – to the day when his wife chased him with a golf club – and he drives into a fire hydrant.
Three months later – he explained himself on TV

He said – “I had worked hard my entire life – now it was time to enjoy the temptations around me. I was entitled  -   And with money and fame, I did not have far to go.”

1)      He said – I didn’t think about who I was hurting – I just thought of myself.
Root of sin is a selfishness – to think only of me – what do I want?  Sin does not give thought to how it might affect others, my marriage or priesthood, my work, how it affects children, how it affects God.

2)      He said – I stopped living core values – normal rules did not apply,
We would say – some things are sinful and are always sinful, no matter who you are.
Understanding boundaries and living by them.
To live a life of integrity      -    Baptism – you are my beloved son – my beloved daughter!

3)  I remember he was surrounded by friends at interview – frankly, where were they? What were they doing? Yes, Tiger had the responsibility – but did anyone call him on this?   He was on a destructive path. Were they willing to lose job or friendship? Many would not – we call this enabling.

We are reminded then, why Lent is so important – to go out into the desert and really look at things – what we are doing, how we are acting, what we are saying – and how does this reflect on us as children of God?

Some practical advice: 
What settings are you in when you fall? Avoid them.
What props do you have that support your sin? Eliminate them.
What people are you usually with? Avoid them.

There are two equally damning lies Satan wants us to believe: 1) Just once won't hurt. 2) Now that you have ruined your life, you are beyond God's use, and might as well enjoy sinning.

So is there hope for Tiger? Jack Nicklaus says Tiger still has a chance to beat his record. More importantly, Tiger still has a chance to do things right, to become the person God wants him to be. We all have that chance! Repent and believe in the Gospel!